HGUC Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash Ξ Gundam (Qubeley) VS Penelope Funnel Missile Effect Set 1/144 Scale Pre-colored Plastic Model 2551156
Product Introduction
To commemorate the release of the movie "Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash," the protagonist's machine "Ξ (Kusui) Gundam" and the rival machine "Penelope" are available as a set!
■ A luxurious specification that includes newly molded funnel missiles and funnel effect parts.
■ Clear color funnel missile launch effects and 12 funnel missile parts are included with each MS, allowing for a vivid representation of the confrontation composition.
■ The frame that holds the effect parts has multiple attachment positions, enabling the creation of random funnel trajectories.
■ Newly designed funnel missiles with detailed features recreate the combat image.
■ Two sets of a clear color display base [BA13] that does not use screws and has a sturdy frame to support the weight of the large machine are included.
【Included Items】Ξ Gundam x1, Penelope x1, Display Base x2, Funnel Missiles (for Ξ Gundam and Penelope) x1 set, Funnel Missile Effects (for Ξ Gundam and Penelope) x1 set, Foil Stickers x2, Water Transfer Decals x1
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