Girls Band Cry Ina Iseri
The original anime "Girls Band Cry," produced and planned by Toei Animation, features the band Togenashi Togeari, with Nina as the vocalist, and the five band members are being made into figures!
Based on an original illustration by teacher Tejima nari, this product is being developed!!
Togenashi Togeari appears in their stage costumes, which they wear in the music video for the opening theme song "Crowd, Our Town."
Pay attention to the powerful and tense sculpting that conveys Nina's strong core.
The denim jacket replicates the texture of the surface, and the thickness of the logo tape and patches, as well as the fine wrinkles, are all captured in the sculpting, giving the figure a unique presence.
The clear base made of acrylic is designed to allow the members to be displayed close together. You can enjoy not only the illustration reproduction but also displaying your favorite combinations!
The other four members are also in the process of being created!
Don't miss out on Togenashi Togeari, who has great expectations for their future activities!